Category Archives: my blog

Tantrahahahaha (Tantralalalala 1A)

Sometime ago I forwarded an email to a friend of mine with this question: “Hey look, what a surprise! What is your first impression?” His answer was: “Dit klinkt heel erg sanyassin qua toon maar wel behoorlijk oprecht (of het … Continue reading

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Story upon story

So, here I am, in Tiruvannamalai already for a while. The old habit to make stories out of life here has indeed somewhat collapsed. And life itself more and more becomes a story of which I am the witness and … Continue reading

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Tantralalalala 1

(Artwork by Sohan Qadri, found here: Last time in India I have met this Swami that suggested me to stop blogging. I followed (t)his suggestion (while blogging) and the stopping kind of ruined my story writing habit. (Report in … Continue reading

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Time flies to Tiru: pics of meetings with Sindhu and my very first fundraising ever

  Already last August I started this blog. The title and the flying time picture were already in place. Now it is already  December and I have a ticket to fly to India in about 2 weeks. And, surprise attack, … Continue reading

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The perception of particles in waves of experience (updated)

Now with even happier ending: another round of answer and response was added at 22-12-’15. I have a history of writing long and detailed reports about events. Here is another one. This time it is about my email exchange with … Continue reading

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Klinknagel stuk / Rivet out.

Kortgeleden schreef ik na een enerverend avontuur ergens op facebook: Wow, that was a quick action! At 11.30 a neighbouring houseboat came back from the shipyard. Within half an hour one of the neighbours heard the sound of running water … Continue reading

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What??? Wat??? Quoi??? क्या???

The most dazling visual up till now. My reaction on facebook was: Wholy shit!!! A few more reactions: *That’s not fair. *Really? 4 perfectly round circles? LIES! ! I see 152 perfectly square squares!   Whatever, I found the thing … Continue reading

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Join the resistance

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Feliz aniversário e Arte ao vivo

Two days ago, on my birthday, I wrote this on facebook: What’s on my mind, facebook asks. Well, a few things actually. Today is my 68th birthday and for that occasion I had coffee with pie with two people. After … Continue reading

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Ramji and Meji meta revisited

Dear James Swartz, During my last visit to Rishikesj/Laxumanjhula, a Swami suggested me to stop blogging. And I did. (Report in Dutch: This lasted for quite some time, yet is was temporally. It is one of the reasons that … Continue reading

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